


Introduction of Flood Risk 3D-EYE -- a visualization tool to support in flood risk assessment and management

In recent years, the increase of heavy rains and flooding caused by climate change has been a concern. In Japan, the level of awareness about hazard maps published by the government is low at about 30%. Additionally, less than 50% of companies cover flooding in their business continuity plans (BCP), and measures for managing flood risks are inadequate. From the perspective of environmental, social and governance (ESG) management, there is a growing need to know these possible risks and put suitable countermeasures in place.

In light of this, we are now offering consulting services based on visualizing the inundation risks of companies, using our proprietary service called "Flood Risk 3D-EYE". This service enables the intuitive identification of inundation risks caused by floods and heavy rain. By using Flood Risk 3D-EYE, we are able to provide more visual and easy-to-understand support for the services we have offered thus far such as assessment of inundation risk, study of structural measures, and support to business continuity planning.

Flood Risk 3D-EYE photo.png

Sample inundation visualization using Flood Risk 3D-EYE

Features of Flood Risk 3D-EYE

■ Risks are easy to understand!

Hazard maps only show the depth of flooding over a wide area, and it is not possible to intuitively understand the height to which a particular company's factory or other facility may become inundated. Flood Risk 3D-EYE allows you to intuitively understand the extent of possible flooding, making it effective for developing evacuation methods and response measures.

■ Smooth on-site usage!

Our technology has made it possible to easily operate the service on a smartphone or tablet. This will allow you to examine evacuation routes and response measures as you check inundation data while on site.

Contact for inquiries:

Development Office I, Business Planning and Development Division