The Republic of Djibouti, which is one of the hottest countries in the world and located in north-west Africa, has recently been introduced with large-scale infrastructure such as port and railway with the high development of economy. Meanwhile, main roads are deteriorating due to the rapid increase of traffic because they mostly relies on the overland transportation. Especially, the existing road of National Route 1 from the capital of Djibouti to the border of Ethiopia is rapidly damaging and deteriorating due to the rapid increase of large vehicles. Most of the large vehicles run outside of the road avoiding the damaged and deteriorated road and this becomes a serious problem. Furthermore, the road is flooded and cannot pass at the point crossing the wadi, which is observed at the desert regions in Africa. More than 90 % of goods from Ethiopia pass this road, so urgent maintenance is required. Also, there were some concerns about insufficient maintenance and management due to the shortage of equipment.
The present condition of pavement damage on Djibouti National Highway No. 1 and the overturned tank truck
In this project, we are required to improve the National Route 1 as a high-standard international main road that they can pass all seasons. Therefore, we proposed modified asphalt that can resist even in the hottest season, which is more than 50 degrees Celsius in June - August, as well as considering safety. Fords at wadi were also changed to box culverts in order to pass for all seasons. Such road improvements resulted in the increasing of passenger and logistics, travel time saving, being able to for all reasons, securing the safe traffic environment. We also put priority on construction period because it was an urgent project. Since there was no aggregate plant around the site, we shortened the construction period for three months by utilizing the gravels around the site instead. We aimed to make the environment that can maintain and manage the roads and equipments by the Government of Djibouti by supporting the soft component such as the improvement of equipment maintenance and management system, constructing the pilot road and strengthening the system of road maintenance and management.
Conceptual drawing of completion (Wazi Watanabe)
A road maintenance strengthening seminar gathering local stakeholders
Project Details